
Gorillaz demon days album
Gorillaz demon days album

gorillaz demon days album

She later appears In-Universe alive, and Word of God is that she escaped by parachuting out at the last second. Kill the Cutie: Almost happens with Noodle in the music video of "El Mañana" where she enjoys the tranquility of her floating island until helicopters destroy it and her own fate remains unknown at the end.Kids Rock: A school choir sings the refrain of "Dirty Harry": " I need a gun / to keep myself from harm." The kids seen in the "Dirty Harry" video are apparently based on the children from that choir.Kick the Dog: Murdoc slaps one of the children in the music video of "Dirty Harry".We still have everything to gain, and a universe to fight for." The song's music video encapsulates its sorrow with Noodle's floating island being destroyed and Noodle presumably being killed. Grief Song: "El Mañana" is probably the saddest song they've written.Gospel ("Don't Get Lost in Heaven", "Demon Days").Psychedelic rock ("Every Planet We Reach Is Dead", "White Light", "Fire Coming Out of a Monkey's Head").Alternative rock/hip-hop ("Feel Good Inc.").Trip-hop ("O Green World", "El Manana").Genre Roulette: Many songs fall into different genres, often mixing them together as they please.Gratuitous Spanish: The title of "El Mañana".Fluffy the Terrible: A mountain called "Monkey" sounds cute, right? Not when you listen to "Fire Coming Out of the Monkey's Head".Fading into the Next Song: "Dirty Harry" and "Feel Good Inc." run together with some seriously creepy laughter.Face on the Cover: The band in profile shots.Eyes Never Lie: The Happyfolk and Strangefolk in "Fire Coming Out of the Monkey's Head".

gorillaz demon days album

Evil Laugh and Laughing Mad: The laughter heard during "Feel Good Inc.".The End of the World as We Know It: The last spoken verse of "Fire Coming Out of the Monkey's Head".Electronic Speech Impediment: "All Alone" makes use of this during the refrain.Dug Too Deep: The Strangefolk in "Fire Coming Out of the Monkey's Head".Dream Within a Dream: "Dare"'s music video shows that the entire thing was a dream of the head in a jar, who is sleeping safely next to Murdoc.Dennis Hopper's narration makes it extra chilling. Downer Ending: "Fire Coming Out of the Monkey's Head" ends with the Strangefolk's reckless gem mining triggering a volcanic eruption, causing the Happyfolk to face The End of the World as We Know It."Feel Good Inc.", in which everyone is locked up and 2D appears desperate to get out in the music video."Kids with Guns" is sang in a monotone voice, but when it gets to the chorus emotion and hopelessness start to get in the voice.Death Mountain: The mountain Monkey in "Fire Coming Out of the Monkey's Head".The Dead Can Dance: The line "now everybody's dancing the dance of the dead" from "Fire Coming Out of the Monkey's Head".Noodle says in an interview that the reason 2D and Russel were WTFing during the video is because she didn't warn any of them that she was going to record the clip. The other three made cameos in "DARE" Murdoc is the only one with lines and speaks only a sentence. A Day in the Limelight: The videos for "DARE" and "El Mañana" focus on Noodle.Darker and Edgier: This album sounded more dark and edgy than their debut album, with lyrics about death, despair and gun violence among children.Now everybody's dancing the dance of the dead, the dance of the dead.

Gorillaz demon days album